Open Source Program Office

Open Source Program Office

UC Santa Cruz

University of California, Santa Cruz

🏠 Welcome!

Today’s universe of open source communities has immense potential to amplify the impact of scientific research. Thanks to a generous grant by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, the OSPO UC Santa Cruz is being established to provide a center of gravity that brings together everything needed to unlock that potential.

The OSPO’s mission is to create partnerships with stakeholders within and outside the UC system to promote open source literacy and best practices, helping students learn from open source communities, letting scientists use open source to accelerate research efforts, and connecting students and scientists with sponsors from industry, government, and foundations.

Through a number of continually refined programs that are designed to amplify impact of the UC research enterprise the OSPO is building a community of practitioners who aim to create and share knowledge, collaborate on practices, tools, and other ways to run successful and effective open source research efforts.

Beginning in 2024, the UCSC OSPO teamed up with five other UC campuses to form the UC OSPO Network. Building on the UCSC OSPO’s success, the Network strives to create a robust, interconnected network of OSPOs throughout the UC system. The Network is fostering innovation, promoting knowledge sharing, and establishing best practices for open-source software development and usage.

Read more about the UCSC OSPO.

Read more about the UC OSPO Network

πŸ”­ About

The 1-Minute Pitch


Open source research efforts within the University of California face many challenges, including

  • Educating students to be productive in open source projects
  • Revealing the value of open source to the UC system
  • Broadening engagement with industry, government, and foundations

The UCSC OSPO effort was founded by Carlos Maltzahn and Stephanie Lieggi in 2022 under an Alfred P Sloan Foundation Grant. The effort continues under the leadership of Lieggi and Faculty Director James Davis, along with OSPO incubator fellow Emily Lovell. The UCSC OSPO team, along with partners at other UC campuses, is

  • Developing a community of practice of open source software projects across the UC system and associated national labs that brings mentors, students, sponsors, and open source stakeholders together
  • Establishing infrastructure and opportunities for researchers to grow communities around their open source projects
  • Organizing a yearly undergraduate Open Source Research Experience, a UC-wide mentorship program that works with Google Summer of Code and other global outreach efforts and engages with industry, government, and foundation sponsorships
  • Creating partnerships with innovative open source teaching initiatives inside and outside the UC system

The UCSC OSPO mission is to leverage open source to expand the reach and impact of research coming from throughout the UC system.

πŸ“Ί Programs

πŸ“ Blog

Accepted as 2025 GSoC Mentor Organiztion
We are excited to have once again been selected as a Google Summer of Code Mentor Organization. The 2025 Open Source Research Experience (and with it the 2024 Summer of Reproducibility ) will once again benefit from GSOC’s world-wide outreach and generous funding of contributors.
OSRE 2025 Mentor Info Session
Overview of expectations and benefits for those interested in mentoring for the 2025 Open Source Research Experience Program
SoR 2025 Mentor Info Session
Could your reproducibility-related research project benefit from working with enthusiastic and talented students who are paid to productively contribute to your work this coming Summer? Would you be able to mentor that student no more than 5 hours per week? The Summer of Reproducibility (SoR) Program is the opportunity you are looking for to move your research forward.
UC Network Joins UN OSPOs For Good to Enhance Global Collaboration on Sustainability Goals
Representatives from the UC OSPO Network were among those invited to attend the Second Annual OSPO for Good discusions at the UN Headquarters in New York.
UC Network Joins UN OSPOs For Good to Enhance Global Collaboration on Sustainability Goals
UC OSPO Network Launched
With funding from The Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, the UCSC OSPO is leading a six campus effort to institutionalize the OSPO approach throughout the UC System.
UC OSPO Network Launched