Fadhil Kurnia

Fadhil Kurnia

PhD Student, Computer Science, University of Massachusetts Amherst

University of Massachusetts Amherst

I am Fadhil I. Kurnia, currently a CS PhD candidate at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. I have broad interests in Distributed and Networked Systems, Storage Systems, and Systems for Machine Learning. I am the recipient of the Jim Gray Scholarship for CS systems researcher in 2021.

Currently, I am working on building highly efficient and privacy-preserving distributed systems with Arun Venkataramani in the Advanced Networked Systems Research Group. I also actively collaborate with Marco Serafini on efficient systems for machine learning. I am very fortunate to worked with Haryadi S. Gunawi and Huaicheng Li from the UCARE Lab, University of Chicago.

Selected Publications

  • Oblivious Paxos: Privacy-Preserving Consensus Over Secret Shares. Fadhil I. Kurnia and Arun Venkataramani. ACM SoCC'23.
  • VExtending and Programming the NVMe I/O Determinism Interface for Flash Arrays. Huaicheng Li, Martin L. Putra, Ronald Shi, Fโ€‹adhil I. Kurnia,โ€‹ Xing Lin, Jaeyoung Do, A. I. Kistijantoro, Gregory R. Ganger, Haryadi S. Gunawi. ACM TOS 2023.
