Luanzheng "Lenny" Guo

Luanzheng "Lenny" Guo

Computer Scientist, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

Continuum Computing Team

Future Computing Technologies Group

Advanced Computing, Mathematics, and Data Division

Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

Luanzheng (Lenny) Guo is a computer scientist in Pacific Northwest National Laboratory’s Future Computing Technologies group, working within the research area between scientific computing, data management, large-scale systems (e.g., HPC, CPS, Cloud, Edge, etc.), and machine learning (ML). Lenny is serving as the principle investigator for the Generative AI Laboratory Directed Research and Development (LDRD) High-performance Generative AI-based Microscope Data Compression project. He is also the co-principle investigator for the Generative AI LDRD Generative AI for Building High-value and Informative Machine Operations Datasets project and the Resilience Through Data-Driven, Intelligently Designed Control LDRD Adaptive Learning-Enabled Resilient Tuning 2.0–Predictive Risk Informed Data-driven Resilient Controls project. Lenny obtained his PhD in electrical engineering and computer science from the University of California, Merced. His PhD research focused on system resilience and reliability in HPC systems. Lenny received two outstanding performance awards by Pacific Northwest National Laboratory in 2024 in recognition of both his contributions to scholarship, proposals, and collaborations activities and his mentoring and developing of emerging talent. His paper was nominated for best paper at the IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing 2024. His poster was nominated for best poster at the International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and Analysis (SC) 2016, the most prestigious conference in HPC. He won outstanding lightning talk in SC 2018, where he was also recognized as an outstanding student volunteer, and was a lead student volunteer at SC 2019. His research was featured by HPCwire in its “What’s New in HPC Research” feature in 2018 and 2020. He was a National Science Foundation Trusted Cyberinfrastructure Fellow of 2020.
