40 Contributors participating in OSRE '24

Summer 2024 OSRE supporting 40 students working on Open Source and Reproductivity

Thanks to the support from the Google Summer of Code (GSoC) and the National Science Foundation FAIROS RCN program, the UCSC OSPO has matched 40 students with mentors to contribute to open source and reproducibility this year. This year GSoC awarded us a record 18 slots with the Summer of Reproducibility supporting another 22 students. We are also working with other funding opportunities to support the work of additional students โ€“ so our list will be growing.

Most projects will run from late May to the end of August / early September.

Funding for these contributors is provided by the NSF REPETO Project-sponsored Summer of Reproducibility, the Google Summer of Code, and Baskin Engineering. Check out the Student Pages where contributors have begun blogging updates about their summer projects!

Stephanie Lieggi
Stephanie Lieggi
Executive Director of OSPO, Executive Director of CROSS, UC Santa Cruz
Carlos Maltzahn
Carlos Maltzahn
Retired Adjunct Professor, Sage Weil Presidential Chair for Open Source Software, Founder & Director of CROSS, OSPO

My research interests include programmable storage systems, big data storage & processing, scalable data management, distributed systems performance management, and practical reproducible research.