OSRE 2025 Mentor Info Session

Recorded Session

The OSRE organizers recorded information session for mentors is now available for your review.

The OSRE is modeled after the Google Summer of Code (GSoC) which matches undergraduate student contributors with mentors working on open source projects. The OSRE leverages our involvement in global programs like GSoC to recruit students from around the world. All students are paid a stipend and mentors are provided administrative and other needed support to allow for a productive summer.

The OSRE 2024 supported the work of 40 successful summer projects and we are looking to expand that number even further this year. But we need mentors to work with our amazing students. Mentors from previous years have spoken highly of their experience:

In this video, the OSRE organizers give a brief overview of the program and discuss the benefits of being a mentor. We will also highlight the changes in the 2025 program aimed at making the OSRE even more rewarding for both mentors and students.

Stephanie Lieggi
Stephanie Lieggi
Executive Director of OSPO, Executive Director of CROSS, UC Santa Cruz