Contextualization – Extending Chameleon’s Orchestration for One-Click Experiment Deployment


Chameleon already provides powerful capabilities to orchestrate and configure resources through Heat templates (similar to Terraform) and the python-chi library. However, these focus primarily on provisioning (i.e., allocating and configuring hardware resources). This project goes a step further by addressing contextualization—the process of creating complete, ready-to-use experimental environments that incorporate everything from network layout to instance-level configuration and discovery—with additional features such as parameterized templates, experiment-level metadata, and output reporting.

Key Outcomes

  • Template-Based One-Click Launch: Users can deploy multi-resource experiments (VMs, networks, storage, etc.) via a single click or a minimal set of input parameters.
  • Enhanced Experiment Contextualization: Each launched resource can gain access to global “experiment-level” metadata (e.g., IP-to-hostname mappings for cluster authentication) and outputs that summarize important details.
  • Streamlined User Experience: An asynchronous deployment workflow that provides notifications and uses “outputs” to highlight critical connection information (e.g., bastion host IP, final results).
  • Optional Advanced Features: Partial reconfiguration to avoid full rebuilds when changes are minor, an “export” function to capture existing deployments into a new template, and potential publishing to Trovi for reproducibility and archiving.

Topics: Cloud Computing & Orchestration, Infrastructure as Code, DevOps & Automation, Reproducible Research Environments Skills:

  • OpenStack & Heat Templates: Familiarity with provisioning resources on Chameleon using Heat or Terraform-like workflows.
  • Python & Scripting: For enhancing or extending the python-chi library.
  • Systems / Network Knowledge: Understanding multi-VM topologies, cluster configurations, and network-level interactions.
  • CI/CD & DevOps: Experience building or integrating asynchronous deployment and notifications. Difficulty: Hard Size: Large (suitable for a semester-long project or a summer internship) Mentors: Michael Sherman, Mark Powers Tasks:
  • One-Click Template Launch
    • Design a template (in Heat or similar) specifying multiple cloud resources (images, networks, disk images, SSH keys, etc.).
    • Ensure the template author can define input parameters with defaults.
    • Allow the user to launch the template quickly with default values or adjust parameters before deployment.
  • Asynchronous Provisioning & Notifications
    • Implement a long-running process that deploys resources step-by-step.
    • Provide status updates to the user (e.g., via UI notifications, email, or logs) when deployments complete or fail.
  • Experiment-Level Metadata
    • Inject metadata such as IP-to-hostname mappings to each instance for easy cluster authentication.
    • Allow the template to define “outputs” (like a public IP of a bastion or location of final results).
  • Partial Reconfiguration (Optional)
    • Enable partial updates if only one of several servers changes, saving time and resources.
    • Improve fault tolerance by avoiding full redeploys in the event of partial failures.
  • Export Running Configurations into a New Template (Optional)
    • Build a web-interface or script to detect existing user-owned resources (servers, networks, etc.).
    • Generate a proposed template from those resources, suggesting parameters (e.g., flavor, disk image, or SSH key).
    • Extend or modify existing templates by adding discovered resources.
  • Integration with Trovi / Multi-Site Testing (Optional)
    • Provide a method to archive or publish the final template (and associated disk images, data sets) in Trovi.
    • Attempt to re-run the template at multiple Chameleon sites (e.g., UC, TACC) to identify parameters or modifications needed for cross-site reproducibility.
Mark Powers
Mark Powers
Research Software Engineer at the University of Chicago

Mark Powers is a research software engineer at the University of Chicago, and is the DevOps lead for the Chameleon Cloud testbed.

Michael Sherman
Michael Sherman
Research Software Engineer at the University of Chicago

Michael Sherman is the Infrastructure Lead for Chameleon Cloud. Mike’s research interests focus on the reliability of large systems at all levels - computing, networking, and human interaction.