Automatic reproducibility of COMPSs experiments through the integration of RO-Crate in Chameleon

Hello everyone I’am Archit from India. An undergraduate student at the Indian Institute of Technology, Banaras Hindu University, IIT (BHU), Varanasi. As part of the Automatic reproducibility of COMPSs experiments through the integration of RO-Crate in Chameleon my proposal under mentorship of Raül Sirvent aims to develop a service that facilitates the automated replication of COMPSs experiments within the Chameleon infrastructure.

About the project:

The project proposes to create a service that will have the capability to take a COMPSs crate (an artifact adhering to the RO-Crate specification) and, through analysis of the provided metadata construct a Chameleon-compatible image for replicating the experiment on the testbed.

How it all started

This journey began amidst our college’s cultural fest, in which I was participating, just 15 days before the proposal submission deadline. Many of my friends had been working for months to get selected for GSoC. I didn’t think I could participate this year because I was late, so I thought, “Better luck next year.” But during the fest, I kept hearing about UC OSPO and that a senior had been selected within a month. So, I was in my room when my friend told me, “What’s the worst that can happen? Just apply,” and so I did. I chose this project and wrote my introduction in Slack without knowing much. After that, it’s history. I worked really hard for the next 10 days learning about the project, making the proposal, and got selected.

First few weeks:

I started the project a week early from June 24, and it’s been two weeks since. The start was a bit challenging since it required setting up a lot of things on my local machine. For the past few weeks, the majority of my time has been dedicated to learning about COMPSs, RO-Crate, and Chameleon, the three technologies this project revolves around. The interaction with my mentor has also been great. From the weekly report meetings to the daily bombardment of doubts by me, he seems really helpful. It is my first time working with Chameleon or any cloud computing software, so it can be a bit overwhelming sometimes, but it is getting better with practice.

Stay tuned for progress in the next blog!!

Archit Dabral
Archit Dabral
Mathematics and Computing Student at IIT BHU

Archit is excited about different fields related to computers and is currently exploring backend and blockchain technology

Raül Sirvent
Raül Sirvent
Established Researcher, Barcelona Supercomputing Center