Final blog: Automatic reproducibility of COMPSs experiments through the integration of RO-Crate in Chameleon


Hello everyone,

I’m Archit from India, an undergraduate student at the Indian Institute of Technology, Banaras Hindu University (IIT BHU), Varanasi. As part of the Automatic Reproducibility of COMPSs Experiments through the Integration of RO-Crate in Chameleon project, my proposal, under the mentorship of Raül Sirvent, aims to develop a service that facilitates the automated replication of COMPSs experiments within the Chameleon infrastructure.

About the Project

The project proposes to create a service that can take a COMPSs crate (an artifact adhering to the RO-Crate specification) and, through analysis of the provided metadata, construct a Chameleon-compatible image for replicating the experiment on the testbed.

Final Product


The basic workflow of the COMPSs Reproducibility Service can be explained as follows:

  1. The service takes the workflow path or link as the first argument from the user.
  2. The program shifts the execution to a separate sub-directory, reproducibility_service_{timestamp}, to store the results from the reproducibility process.
  3. Two main flags are required:
    • Provenance flag: If you want to generate the provenance of the workflow via the runcompss runtime.
    • New Dataset flag: If you want to reproduce the experiment with a new dataset instead of the one originally used.
  4. If there are any remote datasets, they are fetched into the sub-directory.
  5. The main work begins with parsing the metadata from ro-crate-metadata.json and verifying the files present inside the dataset, as well as any files downloaded as remote datasets. This step generates a status table for the user to check if any files are missing or have modified sizes.

Status Table

  1. The final step is to transform the compss-command-line.txt and all the paths specified inside it to match the local environment where the experiment will be reproduced. This includes:
    • Mapping the paths from the old machine to new paths inside the RO-Crate.
    • Changing the runtime to runcompss or enqueue_compss, depending on whether the environment is a SLURM cluster.
    • Detecting if the paths specified in the command line are for results, and redirecting them to new results inside the reproducibility_service_{timestamp}\Results directory.
  2. After this, the service prompts the user to add any additional flags to the final command. Upon final verification, the command is executed via Python’s subprocess pipe.

End Image

  • Logging System: All logs related to the Reproducibility Service are stored inside the reproducibility_service_{timestamp}\log.

You can view the basic pseudocode of the service.

Conclusion and Future Work

It’s been a long journey since I started this project, and now it’s finally coming to an end. I have learned a lot from this experience, from weekly meetings with my mentor to working towards long-term goals—it has all been thrilling. I would like to thank the OSRE community and my mentor for providing me with this learning opportunity.

This is only version 1.0.0 of the Reproducibility Service. If I have time from my coursework, I would like to fix any bugs or improve the service further to meet user needs.

However, the following issues still exist with the service and can be improved upon:

  • Third-party software dependencies: Automatic detection and loading of these dependencies on a SLURM cluster are not yet implemented. Currently, these must be handled manually by the user.
  • Support for workflows with data_persistence = False: There is no support for workflows where all datasets are remote files.


  • Reproducibility Service Repository: This repository contains the main service along with guidelines on how to use it. The service will be integrated with the COMPSs official distribution in its next release.
  • Chameleon Appliance : This is a single-node appliance with COMPSs 3.3.1 installed, so that anyone with access to Chameleon can reproduce experiments.

Previous Blogs

Make sure to check out my other blogs to see how I started this project and the challenges I faced along the way:

Thank you for reading the blog, have a nice day!!

Archit Dabral
Archit Dabral
Mathematics and Computing Student at IIT BHU

Archit is excited about different fields related to computers and is currently exploring backend and blockchain technology

Raül Sirvent
Raül Sirvent
Established Researcher, Barcelona Supercomputing Center